Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Treehopper: Membracidae

This weeks brings a Treehopper to your mind (Family=Membracidae). These insects suck plant juices, primarily from trees and shrubs, and very few of them cause economic damage. A part of these insects, called the pronotum, is typically enlarged and it may take a wide variety of shapes. Some mimic thorns, others look like psychedelic Christmas tree ornaments. This specimen was collected in Columbus, Ohio, by insect enthusiast Marietta Belfanti.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Raphidiidae: The Snakefly

This weeks brings a snakefly (Neuroptera: Raphidiidae) from the forests of Slovakia. The female (as seen here) use her lengthy ovipositor to lay eggs in the crevices of bark. The larvae then feed beneath this bark on small arthropods.